Monday 20 October 2008

This collage was on Gordon brown also, the actual political event for this was that the government take’s away our money, but now the government pays us money. When i first came up with this idea i liked it because it was clever putting an ATM machine on the front door of 10 Downing Street. I was happy with the final end result of my Political Cartoon because of the way it came out and how it looked; i wanted it to attract people’s attention so they know what is going on in it and what sort of event it was, and this image was also done Adobe Photoshop.

This Political Cartoon i really liked because of its humour and how the Political states to it was explained in one collage. I also researched up a wide range of Political events that were happening at this very moment in time and then i came across this event and it was to do with Tony Blair ageing over the years and this is what he turned into after 10 years. I did this using Adobe Photoshop i tried to make as funny as i could so that people could understand what i was trying to explain in this Political Cartoon.

This was an image of Tony Bair as a Political Cartoon, and how happy he was that he was now running a small business and retired. I did this Political Cartoon by getting a image out the newspaper and then using that image to create a college like the one above. The lettering was cut out of the newspaper also and this gave it an effect of a comic feel to the collage. Then after i had scanned the hole image into Adobe Photoshop to edit some parts and to also make it look neat and presentable as if it was going to be published into a newspaper.

Saturday 18 October 2008

I chose to do this Political Cartoon because of what the politics were about, I did this using Adobe Photoshop. I first started out to do the layout such as the football pitch and then started to do all the detail individually, I then used the politics I researched up and put it into a cartoon this story was on Wayne Rooney not getting voted at the age of 17 so I put two and two together to create this final Political Cartoon.

When i first thought of this idea of doing this collage, i thought it would not work well, but then i tried it out and at the end i was really happy with it and the way it turned out because it looks like a movie advertisement and it just has a funny side to it. I thought of the idea because of Gordon Brown being the new prime minster so then i thought i would put Gordon Brown as “The New Kid on the Street” making it into a movie. This image was also done using Adobe Photoshop to make final detailing to it so it would look professional so people can understand what it is about and what the Political event is about also.